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Sekolah Citra Kasih

Sekolah Citra Kasih

DR. (HC) Ir. Ciputra and Mr. Haryo Seno were the founders of Sekolah Citra Kasih and Sekolah Citra Berkat. Sekolah Citra Kasih was established in 2003 and Sekolah Citra Berkat was established in 2004.  The aim of schools establishment is to bring intelligence and prosperity to the nation. In the process of achieving that goal, the founders believe of a holistic and quality education; particularly entrepreneurship education which is a way out for young people to achieve success.

Early Entrepreneurship Education

– Improve the relationship between humans and God, others and creation so as to make school services acceptable to a pluralistic society. Schools are friendly learning houses for a pluralistic society.
– Giving main attention to character building, awareness of living together and respect for creation as an expression of the relationship between humans and God.
– Support the growth of students in the aspects of knowledge, skills and character.
– Integrating character, life skills and information and communication technology which has become the main technology of the 21st century into the learning curriculum.
– Building a superior generation who has the spirit and power of entrepreneurship without closing the opportunity to carry out the profession they will choose.

– The school curriculum that accommodates the principles of “Excellent” 21st century academic achievement based on the standard content of the national curriculum.
– A school curriculum that facilitates students to develop talents in managing local values that have a global perspective through entrepreneurial ways of thinking and acting.
– Learning based on the best practices of entrepreneur education K-12 Ciputra Way and 21st century learning principles.
– Learning that forms independent behavior to take risks, is creative and innovative in creating opportunities and can be accounted for through reflective assessment based on performance criteria, familiarizing students with learning and working collaboratively to achieve the best results by considering ethical, safety, health factors and being sensitive to emergency situations.
– Familiarize students to be sensitive to environmental issues and actions to support anti-bullying.
– Familiarize students to be able to promote values through the actualization of interests and talents so that the behavior of managing opportunities, innovation and risk is developed through entrepreneurship projects.
– Familiarize students to manage forms of positive relationships so that the environment gives a positive appreciation.
– Encourage parent involvement in the process of promoting skills as they are positive and proud of students’ practice and learning outcomes.
– Realizing the involvement of the school community in spreading school values so that it has an impact on the community’s sense of pride in the practice of school values.
– Teachers and staff who are open, growing and always ready to work or teach with the latest best practice standards, and behave innovatively in collaboration in achieving performance results and sustainable school development.

DR. (HC) Ir. Ciputra and Mr. Haryo Seno were the founders of Sekolah Citra Kasih and Sekolah Citra Berkat. Sekolah Citra Kasih was established in 2003 and Sekolah Citra Berkat was established in 2004.  The aim of schools establishment is to bring intelligence and prosperity to the nation. In the process of achieving that goal, the founders believe of a holistic and quality education; particularly entrepreneurship education which is a way out for young people to achieve success.

Early Entrepreneurship Education

– Improve the relationship between humans and God, others and creation so as to make school services acceptable to a pluralistic society. Schools are friendly learning houses for a pluralistic society.
– Giving main attention to character building, awareness of living together and respect for creation as an expression of the relationship between humans and God.
– Support the growth of students in the aspects of knowledge, skills and character.
– Integrating character, life skills and information and communication technology which has become the main technology of the 21st century into the learning curriculum.
– Building a superior generation who has the spirit and power of entrepreneurship without closing the opportunity to carry out the profession they will choose.

– The school curriculum that accommodates the principles of “Excellent” 21st century academic achievement based on the standard content of the national curriculum.
– A school curriculum that facilitates students to develop talents in managing local values that have a global perspective through entrepreneurial ways of thinking and acting.
– Learning based on the best practices of entrepreneur education K-12 Ciputra Way and 21st century learning principles.
– Learning that forms independent behavior to take risks, is creative and innovative in creating opportunities and can be accounted for through reflective assessment based on performance criteria, familiarizing students with learning and working collaboratively to achieve the best results by considering ethical, safety, health factors and being sensitive to emergency situations.
– Familiarize students to be sensitive to environmental issues and actions to support anti-bullying.
– Familiarize students to be able to promote values through the actualization of interests and talents so that the behavior of managing opportunities, innovation and risk is developed through entrepreneurship projects.
– Familiarize students to manage forms of positive relationships so that the environment gives a positive appreciation.
– Encourage parent involvement in the process of promoting skills as they are positive and proud of students’ practice and learning outcomes.
– Realizing the involvement of the school community in spreading school values so that it has an impact on the community’s sense of pride in the practice of school values.
– Teachers and staff who are open, growing and always ready to work or teach with the latest best practice standards, and behave innovatively in collaboration in achieving performance results and sustainable school development.