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Ciputra Artpreneur Presents A World Class Theater Performance “I La Galigo”

Ciputra Artpreneur Presents A World Class Theater Performance “I La Galigo”

Ciputra Artpreneur in collaboration with the Bali Purnati Foundation proudly present a world class theater work “I La Galigo”, on 3rd, 5th, 6th and 7th of July 2019, at Ciputra Artpreneur Theater. I La Galigo is a performance whose script was adapted from “Sureq Galigo”.

Sureq Galigo itself is a story of myths creation from the Bugis tribe perpetuated through oral traditions and texts; recorded in the form of poem (circa 13th and 15th centuries) in ancient Bugis language which was also written in ancient Bugis letters. This poem consists of five-syllable rhymes that tell the story of human origins.

In this theatrical version, I La Galigo describes the adventures of travelling, warfare, forbidden love stories, complicated marriage ceremony, and betrayal. All of these then forms a great story that is so interesting, dynamic, and still has relevance to our modern life.

Ciputra Artpreneur and the Bali Purnati Foundation performed “I La Galigo” with the same mission, which is to introduce Archipelago’s cultural arts to the public. Since its inaugural stage at the Esplanade Theaters on the Bay (Singapore) in 2003, this play continues to reap praise when held in major world cities, such as: Het Muziektheater (Amsterdam), Fòrum Universal de les Cultures (Barcelona), Les Nuits de Fourvière (Rhône-France), Ravenna Festival (Italy), Metropolitan Hall for Taipei Arts Festival (Taipei), Melbourne International Arts Festival (Melbourne), Teatro Arcimboldi (Milan), before finally returned to Makassar to be performed at Fort Rotterdam. ”. I La Galigo also recently chosen as a world-class special performance during the IMF-World Bank Group 2018 Annual Meetings in Bali. In fact, The New York Times did not hesitate to call it as “a stunningly beautiful music-theater work” when I La Galigo became the opening event at the Lincoln Center 2005 Festival.

I La Galigo is an Indonesian cultural art treasure. The international community has also given a lot of praise, so it is proper for Indonesian people to witness a masterpiece that is not less interesting with the story of “Mahabharata” and “Ramayana”.

The two-hour show, directed by Robert Wilson, will be equipped with a spectacular stage and lighting system. Tickets can be purchased starting March 21, 2019 through www.ciputraartpreneur.com with prices starting from Rp. 475,000 to Rp. 1,850,000. Ciputra Artpreneur gives a special promotion “Early Bird” of 30% which can only be obtained until 7 April 2019.