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Ciputra Group Supports Electric Vehicle Acceleration Policy by Providing Charging Stations

Ciputra Group Supports Electric Vehicle Acceleration Policy by Providing Charging Stations

Ciputra Group, in collaboration with PT PLN and PT Casion Power Indonesia held Press Conference “Launching of Casion Charging Station in Supporting The Growth of Electric Vehicles with Ciputra Group and PT PLN” at Ciputra Group Head Office, Wednesday (15/3). The speakers are William Ciputra (Business Development Ciputra Group), Kevin Pudjiadi (CEO of Casion), Priyaji Peiris (Cofounder of Casion), Anne Aprina Priskila (VP Electric Vehicle Services PLN Icon Plus) and Brandon Salim (Actor). Also accompanying Isabella Alexandra Ciputra (GM Business Development Ciputra Group) and Andreas Raditya (GM Marketing Ciputra Group).

At the press conference, it was explained the commitmen of Ciputra Group in supporting government policies regarding acceleration of electric vehicle program. Ciputra Group’s support can be seen in the provision of charging station facilities in several projects, one of which is Ciputra World Jakarta 1 and also in several other projects.