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CTRA Successfully Holds Annual General Meeting of Shareholders

CTRA Successfully Holds Annual General Meeting of Shareholders

CTRA Successfully Holds Annual General Meeting of Shareholders

A leading property company with various projects spread across Indonesia, PT Ciputra Development Tbk with stock code CTRA at hybrid Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGMS) held on Wednesday, 27 July 2022, at Ciputra Artpreneur Jakarta, has approved distribution of cash dividends to shareholders a total of Rp260 billion, or Rp14 per share. This cash dividend is around 15% of 2021 net profit. In addition, CTRA AGMS also appointed members of Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners for the next 5 (five) year term, as follows:

Board of Commissioners

Rina Ciputra Sastrawinata : President Commissioner

Junita Ciputra : Commissioner

Sandra Hendharto: Commissioner

Kodradi: Independent Commissioner

Tanan Herwandi Antonius : Independent Commissioner

Thomas Bambang: Independent Commissioner


Candra Ciputra: President Director

Budiarsa Sastrawinata: Director

Harun Hajadi : Director

Chakra Ciputra: Director

Agussurja Widjaja: Director

Artadinata Djangkar: Director

M.I. Meiko Handoyo L.: Director

Nanik Joeliawati Santoso: Director

Sutoto Yakobus: Director

Tulus Santoso: Director

In 2021, CTRA managed to record a net profit of Rp. 1.7 trillion from total revenue Rp. 9.7 trillion. The revenue was derived from property development segment, which includes sales of residential houses, shop houses, apartments and office buildings, which amounted to Rp8 trillion. Meanwhile, revenue from recurring income segment which includes shopping centers, hotels, office rentals, and hospitals reached Rp1.7 trillion. The acquisition of CTRA’s revenue and net profit in 2021 is the highest achievement in company’s history. This achievement became a commitment from management and employees of Ciputra Group in improving performance amidst the Covid-19 pandemic.

During 2021, CTRA launched 3 new projects and 14 new clusters in existing projects. New projects that have been launched are CitraLand Puncak Tidar Malang, Citra Landmark Jakarta, and CitraLand Helvetia Kota Deli Megapolitan Medan. While the clusters that have been launched include Neo Paloma Cluster, Andora Cluster, Girona Cluster, Academia Cluster, Giverny Cluster, Le Brassus at Lausanne Cluster in CitraRaya Tangerang project, Clarke Quay Cluster in CitraLand Gama City Medan project, Monterrey Cluster in CitraLand Cibubur project, Cluster 8 Park Avenue, Hanalei Cluster, Volga Cluster in Citra Sentul Raya project, Taman Kuta Indah Cluster in Citra Maja Raya project, Spring Dale Cluster in CitraGarden City Malang project, and Lavish Hills I & II Cluster in CitraLand Megah Batam project. This is because CTRA continues to strive to remain aggressive in maintaining the momentum of business growth and providing benefits to the local economy.

President Director of CTRA Candra Ciputra said Company managed to achieve marketing sales of Rp4 trillion in semester 1-2022, or had reached 51% of target amount Rp7.8 trillion during 2022. “Achievement during semester 1-2022 increased 12%, compared to the same period. We are optimistic this positive trend continued until we reach this year target. The supporting factors that we have are, among others, because Ciputra has a good corporate reputation, experienced management, continuous product innovation, readiness to enter the digital business era and is supported by government policy incentives,” said Candra Ciputra.

Company Director and Corporate Secretary, Tulus Santoso, said to support achievement of 2022 marketing sales targets, CTRA has launched several new clusters, namely Northwest Park Extension Cluster at CitraLand Surabaya, RII Ruko at CitraLand Gama City Medan, and Golden Avenue Cluster at CitraLand Losari City Makassar, as well as the Agate Cluster and the Tampak Siring Cluster in Citra Maja Raya. In addition, the Company will also launch new projects and clusters in semester II-2022, namely CitraLand Tanjung Morawa, Deli Megapolitan City (a new project), while clusters to be launched include Cureggia Cluster and Avenue Home Cluster in CitraRaya Tangerang project, Rochester Park Cluster in CitraLand Gama City Medan project, and Pelican Cluster in CitraLand Surabaya project. “Launch of these new project and cluster success because our products were in high demand at the market. We will continue to review development of new product concepts and implement various sales strategies in order to achieve this year’s target,” said Tulus Santoso.