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Recognizing Talent To Become An Entrepreneur (CiputraWay Series Part III)

Recognizing Talent To Become An Entrepreneur (CiputraWay Series Part III)

Ir Ciputra argues that people who have entrepreneurial talent has 3 main characteristics namely:
1. Very eager to be an entrepreneur.
2. Dare to take calculated risks.
3. Confident and dare to be responsible.

According to Ir Ciputra, being a person who has the spirit and skill as an entrepreneur is not simply due to the influence of family (offspring) or the environment, because being an entrepreneur is an option. It becomes a decision because someone really wants to be entrepreneur, motivated, and confident. The three things that underlie the growing spirit of entrepreneurship in us.

Who does not really want, who does not dare to take risks, and who is not confident and dare to be responsible, in fact he has decided not to become an entrepreneur. Why is that? Because it is a struggle as an entrepreneur that includes facing challenges, difficulties, and risks of failure.

Prof. Rita Gunther McGrath, Strategic Management Specialist and Professor at Columbia Business School with colleague Prof. Ian C. MacMillan asserted that an entrepreneur is obliged to have habits that characterize entrepreneur. Together, they wrote a book entitled “The Entrepreneurial Mindset: Strategies for continuosly creating an opportunity in an age of uncertainty”.

In the book, these experts conclude that entrepreneurial behavior is essentially a habit or habit. That is, if only appear once or only occasionally then it is not the characteristic of entrepreneur. Prof. McGrath’s research concludes that there are 5 entrepreneurial habits:
1. They are very eager in finding / creating new opportunities.
2. They pursue opportunities with tremendous discipline.
3. They are pursuing the real best opportunities and not arbitrary.
4. They focus on the implementation, especially the continually adjusted execution.
5. They can inspire and move people around them.

(Written by Antonius Tanan, Senior Director of Ciputra Group Excerpted from the Booklet “Understanding the 12 Principles of Entrepreneurship Ciputra Way.” A Reflection on Entrepreneurship Ciputra Way Jakarta 2017)