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The Unification of Entrepreneurship Ciputra Way In The Concept Of IPE (Part I)

The Unification of Entrepreneurship Ciputra Way In The Concept Of IPE (Part I)

By Antonius Tanan, Senior Director of Ciputra Group

The main values ​​of IPE, or better known as Integrity, Professionalism, and Entrepreneurship are the most decisive and “molecules” of the other molecular sequences that make up the DNA of Mr. Ciputra’s entrepreneurship.

Mr. Ciputra has thoughtfully, declared, and campaigned on the IPE values ​​consistently since he first announced on August 24, 2011, just as Mr. Ciputra was 80 years old. At that moment, Mr. Ciputra launched three main values ​​of the company, namely Integrity, Professionalism, and Entrepreneurship.

The moment of declaration of IPE shows how Mr. Ciputra clarifies the meaning of entrepreneurship he embraces. Apparently entrepreneurship can not walk alone. He must ally and melt with other values, namely Integrity and Professionalism.

“It is useless if the value of entrepreneurship is not accompanied by the principle of integrity and done professionally, because it would be difficult to achieve the goal of Ciputra Group without the application of those three values. This is the most fundamental characteristic of Entrepreneurship Ciputra Way, namely Entrepreneurship that fused with Integrity and Professionalism, “said Mr. Ciputra.

In a message delivered to employees, the public, and the media, Mr. Ciputra always asserted that Integrity is the first thing to have.

“It took years to build public confidence, but it was only one day to undermine it,” Mr. Ciputra said. The above view is in keeping with Warren Buffet’s philosophy of what kind of people he would choose to work with.

The view of Entrepreneurship, Professionalism, and Integrity will be a strong and sustainable strategy for business and non-business organizations. The combination of all three will present a trustworthy, dependable, and proud organization or institution.

(Writings Abstracted From Booklet “Understanding 12 Principles of Entrepreneurship Ciputra Way A Reflection About Entrepreneurship Ciputra Way Jakarta 2017)